The Sanctuary’s ethos remains constant, “All people matter, at all times!”  We welcome all who wish to share this vision, to take the dream beyond the vision and into the realms of reality, for many generations to come.  Not least, to assist a nation of people that has thus far been denied their sense of peace for some considerable time. 

 Please feel free to contact our organisation at  for any further assistance or enquiries, to make donations or to offer sponsorship. 

There is also our book, entitled 'Into Africa' supporting this website.

Not only is this a very interesting read, depicting the exciting foundational rise of our organisation, it also helps to raise our profile further and will hopefully contribute to raising much-needed funding.  Please take a moment to visit the webpage below for more details:-

Thank you.


Smiling despite adversity in their lives!
Caring and sharing, means the difference between life or death!
We had a vision for hope, and a Sanctuary was born!
 All people matter, at all times.